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USACE Manual No. 385-1-1 — Medical and First Aid

03.B First Aid Kits.

03.B.01 The performance requirements of the first aid kits shall be based on the storage area location of

the first aid kit and shall conform to ANSI/ISEA Z308.1. Content of all first aid kits shall be to the level of

training attained by the responders using the first aid kit.

a. Type I kits are intended for use in stationary, indoor settings where the potential for damage of kit

supplies due to environmental factors and rough handling is minimal. Type I first aid kits are required to

contain the minimum fill in Table 3-1.

b. Type II, Type III, and Type IV first aid kits shall, at a minimum, meet the requirements of the minimum

fill in Table 3-1:

c. The contents of the first aid kit shall, at a minimum, contain the items detailed in Table 3-1.

d. First aid kits shall be easily accessible to all workers and protected from the weather. The individual

contents of the first aid kits shall be kept sterile. First aid kit locations shall be clearly marked and

distributed throughout the site(s).

03.B.02 The contents of first aid kits shall be checked by the employer prior to their use on site and at least

every 3 months when work is in progress to ensure that they are complete, in good condition, and have not
